Blocked Fallopian Tubes Symptoms, Causes, And Treatments

Have you been encountering difficulties in conceiving, or are you curious about the potential reasons for infertility? Blocked fallopian tubes could be a key factor to consider. Despite being a lesser-known cause of fertility problems, this condition can become apparent when you find yourself struggling to get pregnant. By understanding the underlying causes and exploring the available treatments for fallopian tube blockage, you can open up new possibilities for starting your own family.


A] What are Blocked Fallopian Tubes and How Does It Impact Fertility?

Fallopian tubes are reproductive organs that connect the ovaries and the uterus. It is a site where the sperm waits for the egg. Every month during ovulation, the fallopian tubes facilitate the transfer of eggs towards the uterus. If this egg gets fertilised it becomes a zygote and proceeds to the uterus where it is implanted and continues to differentiate. If the fallopian tube is blocked, the passage for sperm and the egg may be restricted, hindering the process of fertilisation. The common cause of blocked fallopian tubes are inflammatory diseases or fibroids.


There are three scenarios of blocked fallopian tubes and how they affect fertility. They are as follows:


  • One Fallopian Tube Blocked: In instances where only one fallopian tube is obstructed, it is essential to understand that this blockage may not have a significant impact on fertility as the egg can still pass through the unaffected tube. Depending on the situation, doctors may prescribe fertility drugs to enhance the chances of ovulation occurring on the unblocked side, thereby increasing the chances of successful conception.


  • Partial Tube Blockage: However, in cases of partial blockage, there remains a possibility of pregnancy but with an elevated risk of ectopic pregnancy. This increased risk is due to a fertilised egg’s challenges in moving through a blockage to reach the uterus.


  • Complete Blockage of Both Fallopian Tubes: If both tubes are fully blocked, achieving pregnancy without intervention would be virtually impossible. In such cases, physicians may recommend exploring in vitro fertilisation (IVF) as a potential treatment option, depending on the circumstances. Dr. Hrishikesh Pai, a top IVF doctor in Mumbai, specializes in developing personalised treatment plans to aid individuals in their family planning journey.


B] Causes of Blocked Fallopian Tubes

You might be wondering what causes blocked fallopian tubes; below mentioned are some common causes:

  • Pelvic Inflammatory Diseases 

PID is an infection that can develop when sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) or other infections go untreated. It is typically caused by gonorrhoea or chlamydia. PID causes inflammation near the fallopian tubes, which can develop scar tissue and blockages, which can affect fertility.


  • Endometriosis

Another cause of blocked fallopian tubes is endometriosis, which is when tissue from a woman’s endometrium, the uterus lining, begins to grow outside of the uterus on other pelvic organs. During menstruation, the endometrium is typically shed and released from a woman’s body. However, the endometrium tissue growing outside the uterus does not shed like normal tissue. This causes inflammation and can lead to the development of scar tissue. Endometriosis that develops on or near the fallopian tubes may scar or block the tissue, causing tubal infertility.


  • Ectopic Pregnancy

An ectopic pregnancy is when the fertilised egg implants in the fallopian tubes rather than the uterus. Since the fallopian tubes are small and narrow, the fertilised egg does not have room to grow, which can cause the tubes to rupture. If the doctor finds the ectopic pregnancy before the tube ruptures, then surgery is performed to remove the fertilised egg. The surgery can lead to fallopian tube scarring, which can then affect a woman’s ability to conceive.


  • Fibroids and Tumours

Another cause of blocked fallopian tubes could be the presence of uterine fibroids and tumours near the fallopian tubes. It can hinder the process of egg transportation towards the uterus. While these growths are typically non-cancerous, they can still pose significant challenges for those trying to conceive. Luckily, there are surgical interventions that can effectively address tubal blockage and improve fertility outcomes. If you are in Mumbai and need tubal blockage removal services, consider consulting with Dr. Hrishikesh Pai for personalised care.


C] Symptoms of Fallopian Tube Blockage


  • Infertility: The most common symptom of blocked fallopian tubes is difficulty in conceiving within one year of trying.  30% of women face infertility due to blocked fallopian tubes. In such a case, the obstruction prevents the sperm from reaching the egg, making its natural conception difficult.


  • Painful Intercourse:  Intercourse may also be accompanied by deep pelvic pain as one of the symptoms of blocked fallopian tubes. This is perhaps because of inflammation or pressure on the reproductive organs, which indicates a possible blockage.


  • Pelvic Pain: Recurring or persistent pelvic pain, typically unilateral, might be a sign of fallopian tube blockage. The pain could be due to fluid buildup or inflammation, often interpreted as a menstrual cramp.


  • Abnormal Vaginal Discharge: Any unusual vaginal discharge, especially if thick and foul, may indicate an infection and thus cause the condition, so it needs to be taken care of early enough to prevent further complications and gain back reproductive health.


  • Irregular Menstrual Cycles: Blockages in the fallopian tube cause hormone disruptions, leading to irregular or unusual cycles. A sudden change in flow or frequency may be an implied sign of tubal blockage.


D] Diagnosing Fallopian Tube Blockages


  • Hysterosalpingography (HSG): HSG is an X-ray test where dye is placed in the uterus to try to get views of the outlines and notice if there are any blockages in the fallopian tubes.


  • Laparoscopy: A laparoscopy is a minimally invasive surgery carried out on the fallopian tube, utilising a minimally sized camera to check these specific areas. This procedure, therefore, allows for direct vision-therapeutic interventions to detect blockages.


  • Sonohysterography: It involves using a saline solution for an ultrasound of the uterus. It creates a clearer image of the tubes and the uterus to see obstructions.


  • Blood Tests and Ultrasounds: Blood work and ultrasounds must be done to establish whether infections or hormonal imbalances are some of the other causes contributing to this blockage.

Have you been encountering difficulties in conceiving, or are you curious about the potential reasons for infertility? Blocked fallopian tubes could be a key factor to consider. Despite being a lesser-known cause of fertility problems, this condition can become apparent when you find yourself struggling to get pregnant. By understanding the underlying causes and exploring the available treatments for fallopian tube blockage, you can open up new possibilities for starting your own family.


E] Treatment Of Fallopian Tube Blockage

At our IVF clinic, we understand that problems occurring due to a fallopian tube blockage can result in highly disturbing situations. That’s why we offer a range of effective treatments tailored to your needs.


If infections are responsible for tubal blockages, antibiotics will successfully treat them and, thus, restore normalcy to your reproductive life. In women with hormonal imbalance or endometriosis, these treatments may be helpful, which rebalances the body and, hence, the fertility function.


For severe cases, laparoscopic surgery allows for the removal of blockages or damaged tubes in a minimally invasive fashion, allowing for faster recovery times and minimal scarring. If a previous surgery, such as a tubal ligation, caused the blockage, tubal reanastomosis reconnects your tubes and restores the normal functioning of the tubes.


If these options are unsuitable or you prefer a more direct approach, IVF (In Vitro Fertilisation) could be the answer. IVF bypasses the need for open fallopian tubes, allowing you to attain your dream of parenthood with our guidance. Our experienced team is here to support you every step of the way. Let’s explore the best options for your unique situation together!



If you’re experiencing difficulties in conceiving, it’s essential to consider the possibility of blocked fallopian tubes as a contributing factor. We discussed different causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment. Our clinic offers individualised care for diagnosis and treatments for blocked fallopian tubes. Whether through antibiotics, surgery or IVF, our team of experts, under the guidance of Dr. Hrishikesh Pai, helps make your journey easier. Ready to take the next step? Contact us today to schedule a consultation, explore your treatment options and start your dream family.

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